So today is Daisy's first Halloween and at 7 weeks old (almost) there are not many activities to participate in......that didn't stop us. We dressed up and went to the mall. There were plenty of strangers admiring her in her "lil Miss September" outfit! It was fun!
In other news, we took Daisy back to the pediatrician for a weight check and she now weighs 8 pounds 5 ounces! She is doing so good! The pediatrician said to keep up the good work. She also fixed her belly was never healing, she had an umbilical granuloma? So she burnt it off. I of course couldn't look....I have a weird thing about belly buttons. Good news is, it didn't hurt Daisy so we both survived.
The other night Chris was feeding Daisy and watching the world news (or something like that) and there was a special on BPA and baby bottles....warning against the dangers of the bottles with a recycle number 7 on them. Chris looks down and what does he see, a number 7 on our bottles. So yesterday I made a trip to walmart and found some BPA free bottles. This was a fantastic switch....the nipple is a different shape and Daisy can down 3 oz in 10 minutes, compared to her 30-40 minutes with the other bottles!!!!! This is great on one hand because feedings will take less time, but it is bad because Daisy still thinks she is hungry after she eats, so we have to soothe her for 30 minutes until her food settles to see if she is really still hungry! Who new that a nipple shape would make such a difference?
Well, I think that is all from here. We are going to take it easy this weekend. I am glad Chris will be here to help, maybe we will get the house picked up? Maybe. I hope all is well with everyone else. Have a happy Halloween!
These pictures are out of order because again I am having computer difficulties, but at least you can see them all!

Grammy bought Daisy some pumpkin socks and a pumpkin hat, unfortunately it was 80 degrees here today, but it made for some cute pictures! You can see Daisy had had enough in the top picture.....she was done posing for pictures!

This is Daisy in her 'lil miss September' out fit in her pink chair

See look at the tummy rolls and the wrinkles on her legs and arms, she is filling out nicely!

This was playtime today. Daisy was holding and shaking her rattle!! It was so cute!

Yes, Daisy borrowed the birthday crown for part of her costume. Fortunately she doesn't take after her daddy and her head wasn't quite big enough for the crown, but it made for some funny pictures!