Friday, November 14, 2008

Our First Video...

Hello everyone. Things are great around here. Daisy is doing well, sleeping well, eating well and she is just a lot of fun. Every morning Daisy wakes up in such a good mood this time is so fun for just her and me. The other time of the day that we really enjoy is when Chris gets home from school and she is so happy to see her daddy (already a daddy's girl). Daisy has started to 'talk' over the past week. It has brought lots of entertainment to us first time parents. This is us trying to capture her 'talking' on the video, however you will here mostly Chris and I. As soon as the video camera comes out she doesn't quite know what to do. We are having such a good time with her, what a blessing she is to us! We head back to the doctor for her two month check up next week, Daisy is two months old tomorrow (the 15th)!!!! Updates to come soon.


danielle said...

how cute. raley went crazy when he heard your voice min! and you did so good with your vowels. :) i need to come see you guys! love you

Scott, Stacy, Maddie, Elle and Lola said...

oh my goodness, she is too cute! I love these videos, you need to keep doing them! She is definitely getting fuller looking, I can tell she is getting much bigger!
Good to talk to you tonight Mindy!!

The Firestone's said...

wow! So cute!!

Dara Steward said...

That's so fun! The mornings are my favorite too. She is getting more expressive and interactive! Isn't it great!?

Conrad & Cara Deese said...

too precious! she's growing so fast!!

Scott, Stacy, Maddie, Elle and Lola said...

I just showed this to Maddie, and she kept saying, "awww... she's so cute! Cute baby Daisy!"
So I told her that we were going to go see her soon and she said she wanted to go right now!
We are both excited :)