Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Another update

Posted by mgoff at 5:27 PM 3 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2008
The start of my 3rd Trimester!

Posted by mgoff at 6:59 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Last night Amanda had a group of girls over to eat some yummy pizza. I just wanted to say how much I really enjoyed getting to see my friends. I miss getting together. I know life gets busy, but it is always fun to hang out and see eachother. (and yes I pulled into my driveway as the rain began to pour down, I managed to make it home without a freakout). Thanks girls for such a fun night. So glad Daisy was able to show off for you!

Posted by mgoff at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Well, I am now 27weeks and I am sorry I have not posted pictures for so long. Here we go:

This is our bedding! We ordered it online. (We left in in the bag because we wanted to make sure we liked it and I wasn't sure I could get it to go back in the right way). We were going to try and register for it, but I think it is only available online, so I think it is going to come out of the bag soon!!! WE are so excited about this bedding. The bumper is to the right, it is polka dot on one side and light pink fuzzy on the other with hot pink trim. The bed skirt is to the left it is striped with a hot pink horizontal stripe at the bottom. I love how everything is coming together.

Finally, here are the pictures of me. I did not weigh myself this week but as of last week I had gained 16.5lbs! I know those of you who haven't seen me in a while are saying, SHE IS HUGE! However, I believe that I might need to post a blog on appropriate and inappropriate things to say to a pregnant woman. At first they are funny to hear, but as you progress, you really don't want to hear that you look a lot further along than you are, or be questioned as to if your doctor is concerned about how much weight you have gained. Yesterday, in fact a lady I work with was in the hall with her husband. I said hello to them and went on my way. The therapist came to find me later and said that her husband questioned her and said, 'I thought you told me that girl was pregnant", she is, "well she doesn't look like it, she looks great!" I told the therapist to get her husband on the phone and back up here so I could hug him! Anyway, sorry for getting off subject. It must be the hormones.
Posted by mgoff at 6:13 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I really have meant to get pictures up here. Things are getting so busy, and I am starting to get tired again. (Today I found out that I am anemic, so that might have something to do with it). Please pray that I can take the iron supplement without having too many tummy problems. Love you all, I will update soon. (we got our crib and our bedding, I have taken pictures I just need to upload them)
Posted by mgoff at 5:46 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Quick update
Pictures to come soon, I promise. It has been a hectic week. Just a quick update. I went to the doctor this week, everything looks good. Actually she measured my tummy and said it was just perfect. So for all of you out there who have been making comments about how big I look, I am JUST PERFECT! The weight gain was a little bit better this time putting me at +16.5lbs total. Next week I have my glucose test--yuck, and my appointments start getting more frequent! I am getting so excited.
Daisy is really moving now. This weekend and this week I have been mesmorized by my tummy. I love watching it move around! It is so amazing to me that it is Chris and I's baby inside of me! What a miracle!
I went to visit Dara and Evan this week. They are doing so well. Their house (dara and ryan's) is beautful, but their baby trumps it all. He is starting to smile and is so friendly. It is always good to catch up with Dara.
We bought at dresser/changing table! I LOVE IT! It is black. I will post a picture when I can. We just brought it home today and put it in daisy's room. It is HUGE. It is an adult sized double dresser (like chris and I have in our bedroom). My plan is to purchase a really cute mirror to hang on the wall above the dresser.
Our crib is still on it's way. FedEx damaged it last week and had to send it back to NYC. SO our new one is on it's way!
I have found a really great hot pink chair I want, and daisy obviously needs. It is a rocker/glider, recliner/swivel. It is so comfortable and nice. I am very excited about this. Chris thinks it is really cute, but he was hesitant because he was worried, what if our ultrasound was wrong and we have a boy, what will we do with a pink chair? So we asked the PA, who did our ultrasound, at the doctor's office this week, how sure we could be that we were having a girl. She said that she isn't going to say 100% because mistakes happens but that she hasn't been wrong in 12 years so she would recommend going ahead and buying the pink chair! YEA!
I think that is all from here, Jess and Brian moved out this week and we are very sad. It was so fun having them here. I cant believe they are moving to texas!
Well, I hope all is well with everyone and I will talk to you all soon. Picutres to come!
Posted by mgoff at 6:27 PM 3 comments