Here are some new pictures. My belly is getting bigger everyday! Still waiting to feel Daisy June. Our friends the Firestone's moved in the weekend for the month! We are so excited. Hope everyone is doing well.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
20 Weeks!
Posted by mgoff at 2:51 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
What a weekend!
Well, I don't have much to say about Daisy, aka Baby Goff. I am still waiting to feel her inside me. Any day now I am sure, but I thought I would post a few pictures from this past weekend. First of all Danielle got married!!! It was a great weekend. Leslie and Stacy were in town (we spent time with their significant others and Maddie as well, love this girl!) Dara (and Ryan) spent the day with us with their baby Evan, and Amanda got ENGAGED!!! It was such a fun weekend, and now we will have another fun weekend to look forward to in August (yea Amanda!). Here are some pictures.
Posted by mgoff at 2:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
It's a girl!
We are so excited and could not be happier. The ultrasound was one of the neatest experiences of our lives. The PA took about 45 minutes to do the ultrasound. She carefully inspected everything from her upper lip to her kidneys to her spine. Everything looked great. Baby Goff is approximately 6oz right now. She kept bringing her hands to her face and we definitely think she is a thumb sucker just like her momma! One of the funniest things was right when the PA turned on the ultrasound machine there were what appeared to be two amniotic sacks and right as I was beginning to freak out the PA points to the one on the right and says this one is your bladder, and to the left is the baby! I thought for one second that we were having twins! It was pretty funny. I will post a couple of pictures. I wish they were a little clearer, but I will explain what they are.
This is Baby girls' profile, we were trying to get her sucking her thumb, but she changed positions on us. You can see a little bit of her hand above her face. (Don't you think she has a cute little nose!)
I know these pictures are always so scary, but this is her facing us with her hand up at her face again. You can see her hand on the other side and her belly. We have a few other pictures that we can show you when we see you next.
In other news, Chris and I attended a baby expo here in OKC this weekend with our friends Brian and Jess. It was something fun, and we were able to register for a lot of drawings. Well, today I got a phone call from a place here in Edmond called A Miracle Within and I was the grand prize winner of a free 3D ultrasound!!!!!! I cannot believe it. I am so excited. I think this is usually scheduled around 28-31 weeks, so end of June beginning of July!!!!
And last but not least, we have picked out a name for our baby girl. Her name is Daisy June Goff. Daisy, because Chris and I like this name, and June is a family name (my middle name, my mothers middle name, and my grandmothers middle name). We are so excited about this time in our lives. Now we need to start getting serious about looking at baby things. If we haven't talked to everyone yet, we hope to talk to each of you soon!
Posted by mgoff at 5:09 PM 7 comments
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Finally, pictures! 17 Weeks:
Here is me in one of my new maternity outfits. It is so nice to have loose fitting clothes again(I am pulling this shirt back so you can see my tummy, it really is loose fitting right now)! It is like torture squeezing yourself into your old clothes--I love old navy!
This second one is me pulling my shirt down and turning more to the side thanks to photographer Chris:

I have put on some definite weight, but I am happy about that, after my last appointment I was worried. I think I am at about 6lbs of weight gain, who knows where that falls on the "ideal weight gain chart". But you know what, I am not even worried--healthy baby is all that matters.
Posted by mgoff at 11:26 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
One more week...
One week from today and we find out if Baby Goff is a girl or a boy. We are so excited! We haven't decided how we are going to let everyone know yet, but I will keep you updated. Sorry for the delay in posting pictures. We meant to take pictures this weekend and forgot, but Baby Goff definitely decided to poke out last week. Again, to those who don't know I am pregnant, they wouldn't dare suggest such a thing, but for those of us who can see a belly! (so, pictures to come soon, I promise).
In other news, Chris started a new rotation yesterday....OB/ he was in on a delivery and a C-section.....I can't wait to talk to him about it and pick his brain! I was talking to the ladies in my arthritis class this morning (Average age: 73) about how things have changed since they had kids.....did you know they used to put the women to sleep right before the baby was born? What? No-one was allowed in the delivery room!!! I can't imagine not having Chris with me. Cloth diapers and home deliveries were the norm, not the green, natural way that it is today. And of course no one knew the sex of the baby until it was born (which neither did most of our parents). This is what I caught the most grief over. They all agreed, "Nothing compares to the moment when the baby is born and the doctor says, its a.......and then everyone is waiting in the hall in anticipation". I used to agree with this, but now given the option to plan vs decorating in green/yellow......and there is still that moment when the doctor (or US technician) looks at the ultrasound and says, its a...........and everyone is waiting by their telephone in anticipation. What can I say, I am of a different generation, one in which we use technology to not only ease the pain of labor but to monitor our baby's growth and development. I am counting the days until we can find out if Baby Goff is a girl or a boy! I love technology! (Note: I know that ultrasounds are not 100% accurate and they can predict the wrong sex, I also know that it is a possibility that the baby will not cooperate, but we have been having pep talks about this every night, even though I don't think the baby can hear me yet)
Well, I think that is all from here! I will be talking to each of you soon!
Posted by mgoff at 3:57 PM 4 comments