Well, to state the obvious it has been HOT outside. However, we have made the most of it with daisy's pool, our wonderful neighbors, and the sprinkler! I am so excited to be cutting back to two days of work again starting in the middle of July!!! I love the summer and I am excited to be able to spend more time with Daisy again, apart from running errands.
Daisy is such a hoot these days. She just started saying "I love you Mommy" and "I love you Daddy" this week! I can't tell you how sweet it is to hear her say that! She has quite the vocabulary now and says new things daily. She of course still LOVES her baby dolls and to dance.
Here are some of our latest photos:
Happy Fathers Day to our wonderful daddy and husband! Daisy and I bought Chris a seat for his bicycle that Daisy can ride in! Let me just say they have GREATLY improved these things since I rode behind my dad on his bike! Here is daisy riding her bicycle! She is SOOOOO excited and Chris is SOOOOO excited. The two of them crack me up. Daisy has wanted a bicycle for a long time, but we have not been able to find one she fits on, and she is too little to have the motor skill to ride it, but this is PERFECT! Every night since the bike came home we have been riding. Today we even rode to breakfast and Chris and Daisy rode to a lunch party we had(while I took the car). The two of them could not be happier and I LOVE watching that! Plus it has been a fun family activity for us all to enjoy!

Last weekend we headed back to the lake, Daisy enjoyed the boat this time! We were so happy. But she was not brave enough to sit on the jet ski with daddy! Maybe next time.
Here is Daisy doing her Marilyn impression.

Sportin' the great '90's sunglasses!

Last night we had a neighborhood going away party for our friends the Guess'. They move next week to Montana! We are excited for them, but will miss them. We had such a great time at the park, here are some photos:
Our friends the Bratchers

Some of the kiddos in the wagon

We are blessed to have such a fun neighborhood. In other news the fixing of the house is underway and my car goes into the shop next week! Let's pray for no more storms!