Daisy and baby Sara....she talks about her all the time! (My good friend from work, Teresita's baby!) She LOVES baby sara!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Daisy and baby Sara....she talks about her all the time! (My good friend from work, Teresita's baby!) She LOVES baby sara!
Posted by mgoff at 6:07 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Tea Pot Dance and Jackson
Here are a couple new videos for you to enjoy. To get to the first one, highlight the link below, right-click, click copy, and then paste it into the browser address window at the top of the screen (there are a few out there who might just need this specific of instructions, but we won't mention Grammy and Grampa's names :)
Posted by mgoff at 5:50 PM 4 comments
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter
Posted by mgoff at 5:45 PM 2 comments
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Easter Egg Hunt
Our wonderful neighborhood had a very fun egg hunt today. It was so well organized with different sections for different ages. Daisy was in the 0-3 area! So fun! Here are the pictures.
(So nice of a neighbor to take this picture for us!)
We snuck in the back because I was afraid Daisy would get trampled by all the people, so we had this bench all to ourselves which was so nice for pictures! She caught right on with what to do, she was so cute!Examining her eggs afterwards. I think she ended up with 8! Pretty good if you ask me!
The ride home, eating a chocolate egg. It took awhile for her to figure out that there was candy inside those eggs! Once she did she wouldn't let me carry her 'basket' so she carried it all the way home! What a fun day!
Posted by mgoff at 9:51 AM 3 comments
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Sorry it has been so long since I have updated. We are so excited about the nice spring weather that has finally arrived! Daisy and I have been spending as much time outside as possible! Here are some pictures from the past two weeks!
Grammy and Grandpa came to town for a few days and the weather was terrible! We took Daisy to the Science museum and she had a blast like usual. There was a group of girls that LOVED Daisy and she LOVED them. These pictures are so cute of all of them "talking"Daisy and Daddy driving the tractor!
Talking to mommy on the telephone!
I am afraid that Daisy has inherited the Goff gene that makes it impossible to take a good picture! I think this photo pretty much sums it up!
We went to Tulsa last month and here are some pictures of the cousins spending time together. I love how Daisy is looking at Lilly here, and I also LOVE her hairdo!
The girls really enjoyed the freezing cold pool. What a good daddy/uncle Chris is to take them swimming......it took me a little longer, but I eventually caved and got in too!
Daisy and Jackson had a playdate. This was the day before we had 8 inches of snow!!! Hard to believe they were outside without jackets and the next day it was FREEZING! Welcome to oklahoma I guess!
Well, Daisy is up from her nap and we need to run to the store. I hope everyone has a happy Easter. Daisy and I are planning to attend the neighborhood egg hunt while daddy works (poor daddy). I will be sure to take pictures!
Posted by mgoff at 12:27 PM 4 comments