We had such a great time celebrating Henry's birthday! Here are some pics from the round-up!

I love Henry's expression in this pic below!

Our little cowgirl.

The daddy's and the kiddo's.

Our dear friends!

Daisy had to show Henry how the car works since she has a pink one of her own! He was so nice to share his new toys!

The ball play gym, Daisy loved it, but had a hard time getting in and out because of her dress!

Sadly this is the only picture we got of Henry's cake. Jess made it! She continually impresses me with her talents! She used fondant icing and everything! It was awesome!

Henry shared his birthday cake with Daisy. These pictures don't really grasp all that was happening. Henry had cake EVERYWHERE! and Daisy (being the lady that she is) simply picked at the cake with one finger! Classic differences between boys and girls!

We miss our friends a lot and can't wait to see them again! Thanks for having us at the party. It was a blast!
In other news. Daisy really started to walk this weekend. We have taken some video and will post it soon! She will only take about 4-5 steps at a time, but she is getting braver every day even walking from toy to toy instead of crawling! I can't believe she is getting so big!
Finally, I leave you with one last photo. I received my H1N1 vaccine this past week. I'm not going to mention any names, but a very new doctor gave me this injection and this is how it turned out. I have been assured that it has nothing to do with the person giving the shot, it was just a reaction to the vaccine itself. Funny thing is, I have been getting shots for 28 years now and this is the first one I remember whelping up? Hmmmm........