We are so excited about these pictures! There are more but here are some. They turned out so CUTE!!! The photographer lady wanted us to only use two outfits, but I am so glad we pushed to use three. Daisy did so well and it was difficult to pick which ones to enlarge! Hope you enjoy!PS--we had these taken at JC Penny.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Her pictures are HERE!!!
Posted by mgoff at 3:02 PM 8 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Daisy is ONE!
Well, it is official Daisy is now ONE! She had a great birthday. We first had her pictures made, which turned out so cute, and then we took a stroll around the neighborhood in her car! When we got back home she cried when we took her out of her car, so we carried the car back into the house and she ate snack in her car! Good thing the car comes with a cup holder!
Daisy went to the doctor today for her check up. She is 17 lbs 5oz, and 29 3/4inches long! This keeps her in the same percentiles 5% for weight and almost 90% for length and 95th percentile for head circumference(thanks daddy!). Everything checked out fine, except we will be visiting a pediatric physical therapist to make sure her left foot is okay (she stands on the inside of it).
Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks.
When I was hanging out at the farm over labor day Daisy spent some quality time with her grandparents. This was the first 'overnight' trip for her (and me). We both did well! This is her favorite thing to do with grandpa--swimming!These are some pictures from Daisy's first trip to the zoo. She really loved it!
And this is Bimmer's latest accessory. He has chewed his paw pad off and it is slow to heal so he is now sporting a cone! Poor thing runs into everything with this on. We keep trying to take it off and he immediately starts licking his paw again! Hopefully it will heal soon!
Posted by mgoff at 12:53 PM 5 comments
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Here are some of the pictures from Daisy's birthday party! We had such a great day. Daisy loved every minute of it and she is definitely not afraid to be the center of attention! We missed all of our friends from out of town, but were definitely blessed by all the friends and family who were able to come! Thanks to everyone for such a great day.

Posted by mgoff at 1:22 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
Garrison Farm 2009
What a wonderful weekend! What to say......good friends and LOTS of LAUGHS!!!! I was sad to leave, but ready to see my little girl and hubby! I am already looking forward to another get together with my girls, what a blessing to have such wonderful friends for life! We missed all of you who were not able to come!
Posted by mgoff at 6:17 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
September is here!
Can you believe it? Daisy will be ONE in exactly TWO WEEKS!!!! There has been so much going on around here. I have so many updates. Always behind!!!! The weather has been so nice this past week. Daddy finally had a day off this weekend. We had such a great time! We took Daisy to the zoo for the first time! We took A LOT of pictures that I will have to post soon. Today Dara, Evan, Baby Steward, Danielle, Jackson, Stacy, Lola and Elle all came to visit! We had so much fun and it is so neat to see everyone's kids. We missed Maddie though! I miss all my friends so much and wish we could hang out all the time! Until I can post recent pictures here are some pictures from the past few weeks to get you by.
Daisy tried a new hairdo the other day. She really does not like it when I fix her hair, so generally it is a mess! Daddy does not like headbands, but I thought since her hair is longer he might like them better. I think she looks so cute and old in these pictures!Daisy has really been growing lately. I cant wait to see how much she weighs! Her new favorite thing is her snack trap. The other evening when Nana was in town, before bed she was playing and sure enough she found her diaper bag, dug out the snack trap and started eating snacks!!! It was so cute she was kind of hiding behind the couch like she was doing something she wasn't supposed to be!
PINK BOOTS! Daddy bought Daisy these boots last September at a Rodeo I think. (He was volunteering to do mouth cancer screenings, not watching the rodeo!!) Daisy's feet have just now grown into them and she looked so cute in her pink dress and boots. Just like an Oklahoma Girl!
So we have been thinking back about our lives at this time last year. Chris and I looked back through old pictures and this is what we found!!!!! I cannot believe how HUGE I was! The body is so amazing! This picture was taken two days before Daisy was born! So glad she didn't wait any longer!
We are off (Daisy and I) to the Garrison farm for Labor day! Can't wait to catch up with more friends! Hope to post more soon!
Posted by mgoff at 6:25 PM 4 comments