I know many of you have asked for pictures, and here they are. It is a long blog!!! Let me recap the last week.....
The Saturday before Christmas we finished our Christmas shopping and we took Daisy to see Santa. Her picture turned out so good--she was even smiling! Afterwards we came home and opened gifts from Auntie Pauline and tried to take some of our own Christmas pictures, here they are:

This is one of Daisy's Christmas outfits. This one was from Grammy and Grandpa....she looks so cute in it, however. I did not have shoes to match so she was barefoot! (her tights only go to her ankle).

These are the gifts from Auntie......Daisy is starting to enjoy reading books.

Notice how the boys are helping.

Later that night Daisy sat in her bumbo seat and helped me wrap presents. Her expressions are cracking us up lately.

Then Tuesday before Christmas we were going to head to Joplin, but the roads were kind of wet and it was very cold, so we decided to wait and open presents at our house!

Christmas Eve we arrived in Joplin. We spent the first part of the day with Grandpa and Grammy. Here we are with Grandpa, trying on a new dress!

We always open our gifts Christmas eve from Chris' family. Here is Daisy's new favorite toy. It is a baby Einstein musical toy.....she is mesmerized by this thing! And of course it only plays classical music!

Daisy and Grandpa playing on the floor. The floor is one of Daisy's favorite places. She can stretch out and exercise!

Bimmer and Bentley also had a gift. Bentley had no interest in opening his so Bimmer opened both of them.

That evening we headed to Nana's house. Here Daisy played some more with Nana, Jim, Uncle Stevie and Uncle Jimmy.

Christmas Morning! We spent the night at Nana's and spent Christmas morning there! Daisy of course was the first to get a present. A talking, singing, fuzzy, pink, rocking horse!

Okay, these next pictures don't really do Daisy justice. This is her new trick.....almost rolling over. She starts out on her back , lifts her legs in the air then rolls onto her side, then onto her stomach. She can get all the way over, but her one arm is stuck underneath her.

Mom thought she would be funny and gave Steven and Chris each other's gifts this year. This is them making faces at their gifts. (all was solved by switching sweatshirts!)

Later Christmas day we heading back to Chris' house where we ate lunch and spent time with Uncle David, Aunt Jessica, cousin Lilly, Grandpa Jack, Grandma Ginny, Aunt Debbie, Grandpa and Grammy!

Daisy loves her uncle David!

She was a sleepy baby and slept through the opening of gifts!

This is cousin Lilly and her pink barbie guitar from uncle Chris. Not only can you really strum the strings and sing into the microphone but the guitar plays "girls just want to have fun" and Lilly wanted this song on repeat. She doesn't know the words but loves to act like she is singing and she dances around. SOOOO FUN!

Back at Nana's house Christmas night.

We really didn't get a good picture of this Christmas outfit, but it is adorable. It has presents on it with bows that hang off of the shirt and candy cane striped tights! Nana found this outfit!

The day after Christmas we met Leslie, Mark, Amanda, Scott, Stacy and Maddie for breakfast. What a nice surprise to get to see everyone for Christmas. We had so much fun. The rest of Christmas we spent running back and forth between families. It was a nice Christmas.
In other news. We are getting Daisy's pictures taken today! I am so excited. It is such a nice day outside so I think we will be able to take them outside!!!! Also Daisy has her first cold! Yes, I believe we can thank cousin Lilly for that! Really it isn't too bad. She was just making funny noises in her sleep last night and coughing, and this morning you can tell she is congested. I gave her a bath in the steam room again this morning and I think I will hook up the humidifier to see if that will help tonight.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and I am sure I will have more to post soon.