Hudson went to the doctor this week for his 4 month check up. He is 12lbs 14oz (10%), and 24.5 inches long (25%) I looked up Daisy's stats at her 4 month appointment and she was 11lbs 10 oz and 24.75 inches long. Both of them are skinny babies!!! Hudson is right on target developmentally but he has dropped from the 25% to 10% for weight so we have to make a conscious effort to feed him. We got the okay to start cereal--it did not go super well the first day. He had no idea I was putting it into his mouth!!! SO funny. Here are some recent pics:
We got out the pink saucer today from the attic. (thanks Amanda for the idea, I saw Blake in his and thought Hudson might enjoy it).....Daisy enjoyed showing him how the toys worked.
Chris called me and told me to take his son out of the pink saucer and that he wasn't allowed back in it, but these are the joys of being the second child!!! Hand me downs!!!
What happy and adorable kids you have! LOve Hudson's dimple in his cheek, it is too cute!
Lola is on my lap saying, "is this baby Hudson? Daisy?" They talk about these two often, can't wait to see you again!
how great!!! i didnt know the goffs were coming in town! have so much fun!!
oh sorry, the Goffs were in town this past weekend (not today!!) My brain I swear!
oh sorry, the Goffs were in town this past weekend (not today!!) My brain I swear!
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