Sorry it has been so long since I have posted. I do have a lot of photos to share:
Huddy-Buddy, Hud-ster, The Hud, or Booger as I have been calling him. Isn't he so cute?
Thanksgiving....we were so fortunate to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with friends again this year. We are blessed. We had such a wonderful day. Here we are playing outside before lunch.Aren't they too cute? Rebecca, Bailey's mom says the picture above looks like "Trendy Daisy taking granny Bailey on a walk!" Hilarious. These girls get along so well, which is so nice for the parents. They play together without fighting--there is a little over a year between them. Bailey turned 2 this past week.
In the tradition of Thanksgiving for the Mayberry's I carried on the Christmas PJ gift. The girls couldn't wait to put them on and wore them the rest of the day!
Bailey practicing being a big sister. Her brother Samuel was born last week. We are so happy he is here. Hudson is so excited to have a new friend!
Painting our toenails after bath.
Reading stories as our toenails dry. We also jumped on bailey's trampoline and went on a ride around the neighborhood looking at Christmas lights. What a wonderful day!
Daisy loves to encourage him. He even has started rolling over to his back! Which is actually more like falling over.
Daisy LOVES to have her picture taken with Hudson and constantly ask me to take their picture. Here are some of my recent favorites.
2 months old. Can you believe it. He weighs 10lbs 4oz(25%) and is 22 inches long (50%). He is doing well. We are so blessed to have a happy healthy baby boy.
I had Chris take a picture of me and the kids the other day. I feel like I am not in any photos. As you can see we got our tree up. Daisy had such a good time decorating it. She is also enjoying playing with all of chris' car ornaments. I keep finding them all over the house instead of on the tree!!!! I hope is enjoying getting ready for Christmas. Daisy has asked me every day if Santa is coming---it is going to be a fun one this year!