Last week Chris was on vacation! Yea. We headed to Kansas for a couple days to see Steven and then to Lilly's 4th birthday party! These pictures are in reverse order....sorry!
Daisy and Uncle David....we don't get to see him enough. Daisy enjoyed spending time with him!

Daisy showing Lilly how to REALLY eat a cupcake!

Daisy just had to be one of the BIG kids......all day long she did whatever anyone else did!

Not only does she look just like her daddy but she acts just like many little girls LOVE cars?

One of the many slides. Daisy LOVED them! In fact she went down by herself so many times! Lilly always had to go with us, but not Daisy she was absolutely fearless!

Lilly was supposed to lead the line into the inflatable area, but she was too problem, enter Daisy......This was Daisy's face as she realized what was in front of her....big bouncy inflatables!

This is Daisy sitting with Aunt Jessica and all the other kids on the bench as they were 'watching' their safety briefing!

Daisy and mommy

Chris and I headed to Kansas to see Steven. He has been in pharmacy school for the past 3 years and we have not made it up there to see him yet. So with a pit-stop in Joplin to drop Daisy off at the grandparents for two nights, we went up to Lawrence. We had such a good time. Here are some photos.
The first day Steven took us around KU and downtown Lawrence. We each were treated to a KU t-shirt! To be worn of course only during basketball season! This is an intersection near where steven lives......funny.

These are some photos of the campus. So pretty. Love college campuses. This is a row of Frat houses. Some seemed as large as the dorms at
OBU!!!! Also this fountain is decorated with water bottles to give the illusion of ice!

This is my favorite picture. The building behind us says University of Kansas and I am proudly sporting my
OU shirt.

This 'nest' actually called the '
bedazzler' (not to be confused with the gun that places sequins on your jean jacket) is a piece of art that was constructed last year at
KU. Ironically it was constructed by someone from Oklahoma city! It is made from drift wood.

We had such a good time. College towns are so fun, with lots of cheap we took full advantage from free ping pong, to free pinball, 1/2 price
latte's, and even an evening of bingo! So glad we were able to spend some time up there. Daisy had a great time with the grandparents and it was good practice for everyone for our trip to Mexico!
Daisy is fighting a stomach bug this weekend. It hasn't been too bad, but I have cleaned up LOTS of messes, changed LOTS of diapers, and done LOTS of all know exactly what I mean.
I will leave you with a photo of our Valentine's funny that we each got a new pair!