Happy Hudson and a tired mommy---pretty much sums things up!

We spent an entire week in Joplin before Christmas and then we were there again over Christmas. We had such a wonderful time. Here are some photos from Christmas Eve!
Daddy and Daisy playing in her tent!!! How cute is this photo?? Thankfully the tent stays at Nana's!
Daisy not only opened her gifts but Hudson's, which she often talks about how he can share his new toys since he is too little to play with them. We will see if the sharing goes both ways once Hud is a little older, I have my doubts about this.

We also got to spend some quality time with cousin lilly. Older cousins are great, but sometimes not the best influence.....we might have been pressured into telling our first lie to daddy over Christmas.....WOW!!!!

Hudson started school (day care). It is definitely easier to drop him off than it was daisy. Not only because he is the second but because I trust our day care. Here he is looking at the family board I made him!
Not sure what this photo is of, daddy took it. Daisy plays so well sometimes. I love watching her play and talk to her toys! She is seriously so cute!
Huddy's 3 month photo.....he has totally gained control of his head and is SUPER close to rolling from back to belly. He is definitely vocal like his sister. I starting to wonder what I'm going to do with two chatterboxes!!!

Sissy of course had to be apart of the photo shoot. She is so much help. Doesn't Hudson look so old here??

Love them.