Can it already be June 23rd??? Where does the time go??? We have been having a wonderful summer. Daisy and I have been spending a lot of time at the pool and pottery barn kids (it is her new favorite). We are excited for Daddy to be starting his 3rd year of residency!!!!! WOW!!!!! We are definitely over the hump (4 years med school, 2 years residency DONE.....only 3 years left!). Chris and I celebrated 8 years of marriage last week!! We are so blessed and thankful for everything that God has given to us! I am so thankful for such a wonderful husband!
Please keep our friends Danielle and Craig and their new baby McKinley in your prayers as McKinley is possibly facing surgery tomorrow (things are going so well she is TOO CUTE!). Tomorrow will be a tough day for everyone! Also our friends the McLaurins as they are facing some health issues and life changes right now. Again, we are so blessed.
On a lighter note here are some pics
We have done a terrible job documenting this pregnancy. Here are some pics taken this past weekend: 24 weeks. Daisy is also showing the baby in her belly.