Thursday, June 23, 2011


Please keep our friends Danielle and Craig and their new baby McKinley in your prayers as McKinley is possibly facing surgery tomorrow (things are going so well she is TOO CUTE!). Tomorrow will be a tough day for everyone! Also our friends the McLaurins as they are facing some health issues and life changes right now. Again, we are so blessed.

On a lighter note here are some pics

We have done a terrible job documenting this pregnancy. Here are some pics taken this past weekend: 24 weeks. Daisy is also showing the baby in her belly.

I have been feeling "LARGE AND IN CHARGE" as Chris likes to put it. When people ask, "when are you due? and I say October they always look at me surprised and say, "oh". But I looked up my photo's from my pregnancy with I am at 22 weeks. I don't think I look that much different??? Do you???Here are some funny daisy sayings: Today daisy was asking me if I liked onions. I told her that I used to but with this baby in my belly they make my tummy hurt. She says, When you get the baby out of your belly then you can eat onions again mommy. Seriously---how does she come up with this stuff? Also, she was talking on the phone to uncle Steven the other day and she said, "Oh, I'm Sorry uncle Steven I have another call." She hands me the phone and sure enough Chris was beeping in on the other line! She is so grown up sometimes!