Hello to all and welcome to our blogspot! As the title suggest these are exciting times for the Goff household, Chris currently has one week left of his surgery rotation, my pool at work is back open (after a three week shut down), we have joined the generation of bloggers (so glad to see this thing has spell check), and WE ARE EXPECTING! That is what this webpage is all about. I have enjoyed following my friends' lives who do not live nearby, so I have decided to join up. Mostly this page will be all about Baby Goff, so that family and friends can stay up-to-date. But I am sure if I have a random thought to post, I will. Until then here is the update on our pregnancy:
I am 11 weeks pregnant! Yesterday was the first day that Chris could 'see' that I was starting to look pregnant. So, for all those requesting pictures, here they are. 

This first one is of me standing normal, and the next one is of me "poofing" out my stomach (all girls know how to do this, pregnant or not).

I go back to the doctor is a couple of weeks! Hopefully we will get to hear the heartbeat again! Then on April 3rd we will have our ultrasound and find out if Baby Goff is a boy or a girl! We can't wait. I am not going to make any promises on how frequent I will update this page, but please check back for updates. We love you all and appreciate your prayers! Thanks for all the thoughtful and encouraging words. Chris and I are so blessed to have such wonderful friends! Hope everyone has a fantastic week!